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JANUARY 2005Vol. 4 No. 1

A Solution for the Design, Simulation and Validation of Board-to-Board InterconnectsMcMorrow, Bell and Ferry

Magnetic Materials for Broadband Transmission Line Transformers

Tutorial—A Summary of FCC Rules for Ultra Wideband Communications

Editorial: Observations and Predictions at the Start of 2005

Technlogy Report: Military Programs Provide High Frequency Business Opportunities

Ask the Experts


FEBRUARY 2005 Vol. 4 No. 2

Broadband SiGe Microwave Control Circuits—Reza Tayrani

A Guide to Microwave Diode Package Styles and Their Performance—Kenneth Philpot

Electromagnetic Stop-Band Network Improves Class F Amplifier Performance—Anna Rudiakova and Vladimir Krizhanovski

Tutorial—Using Advanced EDA Models for Simulation of Circuits and Systems

Editorial: Convergence: It's Not Just a Buzzword Anymore

TechnologyReport: Recent Standards Activity: 802.16 WirelessMAN™, 802.15 WPAN and ZigBee

Ask the Experts

MARCH 2005 Vol. 4 No. 3

Matching RFIC Transmitters to Small Loop Antennas—Larry Burgess

Evaluating WLAN Design Tradeoffs Using Circuit and System Simulation—Dr. Jaakko Juntunen

Tutorial—IMD Characteristics and Performance Issues in Wide Bandwidth Systems

Editorial: A Little Cheerleading for Creative Wireless Design Solutions

Books: New Books of Interest

Technology Report: Technology Demands Drive Development of Passive Components

Ask the Experts

Frequency Multipliers Offered in Carrier or Packaged Form
Outdoor RF Modems Feature Rugged Construction
Laminate is Designed for Microstrip Patch Antenna Applications


APRIL 2005 Vol. 4 No. 4

Spectrum Ananlyzer Noise De-Embeddng—Sam Belkin

RTDX-Base Simulation Tools Support Development of Software-Defined Radio—Robert Davenport

Tutorial: Connector Selection: Looking Upstream from the OEM Equipment—Dale Reed

Editorial: Which Comes First, the Simulation or the Real Circuit?

Technology Report: WiMax/IEEE 802.16 Wireless Broadband Access Nears Deployment

Ask the Experts

GSM/GPRS/EDGE Handset SAW Filters Feature Small Size


MAY 2005 Vol. 4 No. 5

Noise Reduction in Transistor Oscillators: Part 1—Resonant Circuits—Andrei Grebennikov

Specifying General Purpose Amplifiers in High Frequency Applications—Gene Heimbecher and Scott Craft

New Connector Field Installations Improve System Reliability—Kevin Moyher

Tutorial: Key Relationships Between Time and Frequency Domains—Gary Breed

Editorial: Success Doesn't Necessarily Require a "Killer App"

Technology Report: Low Cost Wireless Technologies Enable New Sensor Networks

Ask the Experts

Active Mixer Provides High Dynamic Range for Applications to 3.7 GHz
Tactical Telemetry Modules are Designed for Embedded Applications
New PCMCIA Card RFID Reader Delivers 1 Watt Transmit Power
Transceiver Chipset for WiMAX Broadband Wireless Access

JUNE 2005 Vol. 4 No. 6

Noise Reduction in Transistor Oscillators: Part 2—Low Frequency Loading and Filtering—Andrei Grebennikov

Combination Closed Loop and Vcc Power Control for a GSM/GPRS PA—McCambridge and Whitaker

Tutorial: A Radio-Oriented Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification—Dobkin and Wandinger

Ediorial: RFID Generates Lots of Interest from Users and the RF Industry—Breed

Technology Report: Regulatory Update: Recent FCC Actions


JULY 2005 Vol. 4 No. 7

Electromagnetic Radiation and Human Health: A Review of Sources and Effects—Zamanian and Hardiman

Noise Reduction in Transistor Oscillators: Part 3—Noise Shifting Techniques—Andrei Grebennikov

Tutorial: Digital Modulation: OFDM Solves Mobility and High Rate Problems—Gary Breed

Ediorial: Controversy Subsides Over Health Effects of RF/Microwaves—Breed

Technology Report: Some Recent Trends in RFIC/MMIC Technology

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AUGUST 2005 Vol. 4 No. 8

Conditioning and Correction of Arbitrary Waveforms—Part 1: Distortion—Mike Griffin and John Hansen

Tutorial: An update on Features and Performance in Today's Spectrum Analyzers—Gary Breed

RFID Tutorial: A Radio-Oriented Introduction to RFID—Part 2: Communication Protocols—Daniel M. Dobkin and Titus Wandinger

Ediorial: Do We Really Need Broadband Everywhere Right Now?—Breed

Technology Report: 3G Wireless Rolls Out Slowly; 4G Waits in the Wings

Ask the Experts

10 Watt SiC MESFET Designed for WiMAX PA Applications
PC Board Plotter Offers Improved Precision and Control


SEPTEMBER 2005 Vol. 4 No. 9

Conditioning and Correction of Arbitrary Waveforms—Part 2: Other Impairments—Mike Griffin and John Hansen

High Capacity Optical Networks using OCDMA and OTDM Techniques—Daniel Lopes, Humberto Abdalla, Jr., and Antonion J.M. Soares

Reference Clock Generation in Sampled Data Systems—Paul Nunn

Tutorial: Wireless USB Uses Ultra Wideband (UWB) for High Data Rate—Gary Breed

Ediorial: Back to School: A Look at Engineering Education—Breed

Technology Report: Optical Technology Uses Electronics and Photonics for Higher Data Rates

Ask the Experts

SAW Duplexers Offered in Semiconductor-Style Plastic Packages


OCTOBER 2005 Vol. 4 No. 10

A Comparison of Resistive Terminators for High Speed Digital Data Transmission—Jerry Seams

Conditions for Remote Detonation of Explosive Initiators Using RF Energy—W.D. Rawle

Using a Signal Analyzer and MATLAB to Measure ACPR Versus Power—Justin Magers

Tutorial: Basic Information on Using RFIC Foundries—Gary Breed

Ediorial: New Developments—Engineering-Driven or Market-Driven?—Breed

Technology Report: Recent Activity in Satellite Technology and Applications

Ask the Experts


NOVEMBER 2005 Vol. 4 No. 11

A 2.5 GHz WMAN Radio Demonstration Circuit—J.S. Lee, R. Remba, and M.J. Bailey

GPS LNA Design Made Easy with Enhancement Mode pHEMT MMICs—Eric Chan

SMT Wideband MMIC VCOs Tune from 4 to 12.5 GHz—Mark T. Fallica

Accurate Models Simplify Reference Designs for RFIC Amplifiers—John Capwell, Bill Clausen, Tom Weller and Larry Dunleavy

Tutorial: Analyzing Signals with the Eye Diagram—Gary Breed

Ediorial: In Search of Accurate and Consistent Terminology—Breed

Technology Report: Georgia Tech Study Targets Nanomanufacturing

Ask the Experts

DECEMBER 2005 Vol. 4 No. 12

FCC and ETSI Requirements for Short-Range UHF ASK-Modulated Transmitters—Larry Burgess

Transmission Line Transformers: Theory, Design and Applications—Part 1—Chris Trask

Thermal Design for Conduction Cooled Loads—Shirley Hazelett

EDA Tutorial
: Guidelines for Successful Simulation Setup—Wilfredo Rivas-Torres

Editorial: What to do When There is no Chip Set or Reference Design—Breed

Technology Report: New Manufacturing Methods Used for High Frequency Electronic Equipment

Ask the Experts

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